Denis Bakhvalov

I am relocating to the US.

Categories: personal

12 Oct 2018

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I’m about to start a new chapter in my career and life. I’m relocating to the US in a few days. Right now I want to say Thank you to Poland and say Hello to US.

For those who know me: don’t worry, I’m not changing job. I’m still staying with Intel and will be doing basically the same things I do now. But there was a business need for a company to move my project from Poland to US.

Thank you Poland!

I spent in Poland 4 amazing years and lived in 2 cities: Wroclaw and Gdansk. Wroclaw has very strong IT community and in general is a very beautiful modern city. Gdansk is located close to the sea, so that’s definitely an advantage!

Polish people are very polite and kind, especially they like children. My younger daughter was born in Poland, so I know what I’m talking about :) . In general I can say that my adaptation in Poland was easy. Also Russian (my native) language is very similar to Polish, so I started to understand what people on street are talking about very quickly. I’ve been in many different countries, and I swear that for living I would prefer Poland to many other European countries. I hope to be in Poland again!

It’s needless to say that I learned a lot!

I’ve spent first 2,5 years at Nokia working on embedded SW for radio frequency modules. Although it was embedded SW we used all the modern tools like git, cmake, gerrit and latest C++ standard (C++14 at that time, gcc 5.2).

But I always loved writing fast code and benchmarking it. I learned some of the stuff related to that on my own. For example, compiler optimizations and cpu architecture. Regardless it was required or not, I tried to benchmark the code that I was writing.

So one opportunity came to me in this regard. It was a position in compiler development team at Intel which I later accepted. While being at Intel I really mastered my skills of performance analysis and compiler development. There are a lot of very smart people, which you can learn from.

Special thanks goes to code::dive team and the whole Nokia. For me it was an amazing opportunity to meet with world class experts and have a chat with them while drinking another glass of beer. :)

I was planning to give a talk this year and even submitted one, but my relocation broke those plans.

On one of such code::dive’s I met cool guys from Bochum, which organize embo++ conference. Thank you crew, for accepting my talk and letting me to give it.

Speaking of my accomplishments

I would like to mention my blog (which you are reading now). I started it in 2016 and since then I have 40'000 pageviews and 20'000 unique users, which I consider quite a good achievement. Every day I have around 30-40 pageviews and around 15 new users on my blog. All this gives me the energy to keep on writing new articles.

Another thing I’m proud of is that I learned Polish language. I don’t feel uncomfortable speaking or writing Polish. I’m still very far from people who know 8-9 different languages, but I still consider this as an advantage that shows your divers knowledge.

I’m at the beginning of new journey and I’m very excited about that!

I can’t wait to say Hello! to the US, but for now I keep saying Thank you! to Poland!

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